The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Baby

We are music lovers in this house for sure and Gabe comes by his love for music honestly! We are teaching him some children's songs and he learns others from his favorite CD's and shows on TV. He knows the Wheels on the Bus, the Bear went over the Mountain, Ring Around the Rosy, and a few others. He is able to perform the hand motions that go along with the songs as we sing or when he hears a song he is familiar with. It's so funny to see him interact with the music he loves.

This was captured on a recent outing of ours to the local protrait studio for new pictures of us and the boys....It was nearing Gabe's naptime and so we were pulling out all the tricks to get smiles from him before we lost him to Dreamland, or Tantrumville (whichever came first). In between takes, he would cry or run away from the lady with the camera, but Daddy and I were pros at getting the best photo opps out of him when the time was right.

Here he is in full "ham" mode while we're off to the side singing one of his favorites, If you're Happy and you know it....You know what to do, you clap your hands right? Well, that's easy for Gabe....he's already learned to clap a long time ago. And he can stomp his feet, and raise his arms above his head on the part where you shout Hooray... so the latest thing he's added is this pointing on the line that says, "then your face will surely show it". What a mess!!

I'm HAPPY and I KNOW it...Are you?

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First smiles

A newborn can easily zap the energy right out of you with all of the sleepless nights, but that fatigue quickly fades and your heart is filled with waves of love, the instant that toothless, gummy little grin opens up toward you for the first time. Gavin is just starting to smile at us a bit and we're pretty sure it's not gas! He coos and makes eye contact often now that he's awake and alert more during the day. It's so adorable and rewarding for exhausted parents.

Gavin knew just what to do when we went to have our portraits taken. He's a natural, just like Gabe, when the camera is pointed at him. Gabe is starting to say "cheese" now when he sees Mommy or Daddy with the camera ready. He's a hoot!

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Boy

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Monday, August 28, 2006

Counting to Five

Gabe has learned to count, at least to five. And he can't say 'Three' yet, so he says 'Whee'. Yet he counts all the same. I think it started with the fact that when I pick him up, I will pick him up just a bit three times, counting 1-2-3-UP, and then throw him in the air. Now, when he wants to get picked up, he runs over and says 'One'. Combine that with other reinforcement, and within (what seemed like) a matter of days, he was saying "One, two". Now, a week later, he counts to five.

I don't have a picture of him counting (kind of hard to capture in a still photo), so I just put a picture of him looking really cute instead.

Big boy in blue bug overalls

Friday, August 25, 2006

Good Sleep

We've had company all month to see the new baby and visit with Gabe who is growing up so fast. It's been hectic and as you can see, we're all worn out. This is the really good sleep!

Gavin is doing great! He is one month old already and changing every day. He is sleeping more regularly and getting on his own schedule, which is nice. He is eating about 3oz every 3-4 hours and has gained about 2 lbs and grown an inch since birth. His alert time is lengthening during the day and he can hold his head up really well already. Come see him in person if you haven't done so! He LOVES to be held and cuddled.

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Double Time

The most recent purchase around here is our Double Stroller. We got a gift certificiate from my folks and picked out the one we wanted. We figure we can't push 2 babies in 1 stroller and Gabe isn't quite old enough to walk beside us yet, so, we invested in a stroller that'a designed to hold Gavin's infant carrier/carseat and Gabe can ride out in front. Sooner or later, they can both ride one behind the other and face front or face each other because one of the seats rotates! How cool, right?!

For now, I feel like a bus driver because this stroller full of kids sticks out so far in front of me, but it is really nice, rides well, pushes easily, and holds everything we need, including both kids and their gear and my water bottle :) We hope to be taking walks outdoors soon, but are waiting for it to cool off just a little. The photo came out a little blurry but you get the idea!

Riding in Style

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hand Habits - Part II

We are noticing quite a few things that Gavin does that are so similar to those that Gabe did when he was just a few weeks/months old and it make us giggle to reminisce.

They both tend to have this one hand up near their faces. Below is a shot of Gavin resting peacefully in Mommy's arms with his right hand up beside his cheek. If you have time, refer to the archives on this blog for a pic, just one short year ago in April 2005, of Gabe hanging out with Daddy with his hand in the same spot! There is also an ultrasound photo of Gabe with his hand near his face, even in utero.

Amazing! We are surprised at how much alike the boys already are. They are 2 peas in a pod.


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