The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Thursday, August 31, 2006

First smiles

A newborn can easily zap the energy right out of you with all of the sleepless nights, but that fatigue quickly fades and your heart is filled with waves of love, the instant that toothless, gummy little grin opens up toward you for the first time. Gavin is just starting to smile at us a bit and we're pretty sure it's not gas! He coos and makes eye contact often now that he's awake and alert more during the day. It's so adorable and rewarding for exhausted parents.

Gavin knew just what to do when we went to have our portraits taken. He's a natural, just like Gabe, when the camera is pointed at him. Gabe is starting to say "cheese" now when he sees Mommy or Daddy with the camera ready. He's a hoot!

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Boy

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