The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Gabe, meet Gavin

Of course, the first question on everyone's mind has been how Gabe is adjusting to the new addition. At first, he didn't know how to react. We realized that Jules had never been apart from Gabe for longer than 3-4 hours since Gabe was born. So her absence for 2-1/2 days was definitely noticed. And then, when mommy came home, she brought someone that Gabe has to share attention with. The outrage!

Other than a few times when Gabe would fake cry when Gavin cries, there have been no hiccups. Gabe will run over to Gavin, point, and say 'Bay'. Then giggle and run off. Very cute. Almost criminally so. This is the picture of Gabe seeing Gavin in his bassinet for the first time.

Can we keep him?