The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Boy and His Dog

There have been many questions since we brought Gabe home from the hospital about the fact that our family pet happens to be a Chow. Family, friends, and others have worried about the aggressive reputation this breed has. Well, let me assure you all, we worked very hard when Wilbur was a puppy to have him in obedience classes and around other dogs as well as children in an effort to socialize him to the greatest extent possible. He is a very laid back dog and rarely even barks. I think from the looks of the way these two get along, we did our job well.

Gabe loves Wilbur and Wilbur is so sweet and tolerant of all that Gabe wants to do with him, or to him. Gabe crawls over him, pulls his fluffy fur out by the handfuls, shares his bop (pacifier) with Wilbur, plays in his water bowl in the kitchen, takes away all dog treats or toys, and generally is playful with the dog. Wilbur is so passive and just lays there or licks the baby and chases him in the backyard and Gabe thinks all of this is hysterical. I am so thankful that they get along so famously and hope Wilbur is around for many more years of fun! It doesn't get any better then this!

Just sitting here resting my bones!

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