The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Little Animal Lover

We do love our dog Wilbur and he's always been so good with the baby, ever since we came home from the hospital. Gabe loves to crawl over Wilbur and tries to pet him or chase him around in the backyard. They are really developing a great friendship and Wilbur is so tolerant of it all. I hope they will sweetly, be "best friends" for a long time to come.

Here they are behind the baby gate playing in Gabe's room and Gabe is trying to share his pacifier (he calls it a "bop") with Wilbur (whom he calls "Burr"). So adorable. Wilbur, of course, is just playing along but is completely disinterested in the stinky old paci!

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