The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Word Whiz

So Daddy wants us to try to add Gabe's new words each month or so, so that you will be able to see all the new things he's learning. It's so exciting and he tries to say new words all the time now. Here are a few from the past couple of weeks.

Ernie- his favorite character on Sesame Street ( I think he even likes Ernie better than Elmo!)
Eyes- he can find them and he pokes them hard so be ready if you ask him to show you "eyes"
Go- he loves to do 1-2-3-GO, and jump into your arms; he said it first at Aunt T's house in FL
Hair- he sounds more like "he" but he even points to his head/hair or pulls yours when you ask
In- he puts blocks in a bucket or cup and he puts things "in" a closet and closes the door
Light- he turns off his own bedroom light before bed each night by pressing the lever
Please- has only said this a handful of times, but tries hard to say it when asked
Water- he says "wat" and we just realized TONIGHT that he knows that watermelon is also something that sounds like "wat" so he kept saying it until we gave him some more!

He has also started to clap along with his Barney videos and is attempting to open doors using the knob (which he is tall enough to reach). Guess we've got more babyproofing to do around here, but we enjoy seeing him do new things.