The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Monday, August 28, 2006

Counting to Five

Gabe has learned to count, at least to five. And he can't say 'Three' yet, so he says 'Whee'. Yet he counts all the same. I think it started with the fact that when I pick him up, I will pick him up just a bit three times, counting 1-2-3-UP, and then throw him in the air. Now, when he wants to get picked up, he runs over and says 'One'. Combine that with other reinforcement, and within (what seemed like) a matter of days, he was saying "One, two". Now, a week later, he counts to five.

I don't have a picture of him counting (kind of hard to capture in a still photo), so I just put a picture of him looking really cute instead.

Big boy in blue bug overalls