The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Two Feet Tall & Bulletproof

Yesterday we went to the pediatrician's office for Gabe's 2 month check up. He now weighs 12 lbs 3 ounces (50th percentile) and is 24 and 1/4 inches long (90th %ile). The percentile rankings compare him to other boy babies his age. 50% of them are fatter/heavier than he is and only 10% of them are taller than he is. We're learning alot of new things.

He was a good boy for the doctor. She assessed him and he layed on his tummy, held his head up, smiled, tracked her face visually from side to side, and overall checked out well besides some minor dry skin.

Next, it was time for four, YES I said 4, immunizations. I am so glad Rob was able to be there with us for moral support because it just broke my heart. The nurse assured us that she had 12 years of experience and she'd do it really quick, but he'd receive 2 in each thigh for a total of four shots. Gabe was beginning to doze off and I was so nervous as the nurse prepared the syringes. I held Gabe's hands out of the way...1, 2, 3 GO and just like that she 'stabbed' him in the leg. He began to yell and I began to cry. By the time she gave all four immunizations, placed the Band-aids on and handed Gabe to Daddy, Daddy shushed in his ear and Gabe settled back down and closed his eyes again. We were all amazed and the nurse told us what a sweet baby we had. Rob and I joked in the car on the way home about what a tough kid we have.

He's bulletproof...2 feet tall and bulletproof! The boy certainly has Daddy's pain tolerance and NOT mine. Thank goodness he's not a wuss!

2 feet tall at 2 months

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Shopping Trip

Owen and Patti & Steve were in town for a short visit and we were so glad to have them! So, we made a trip to our local Babies R Us store and there is so much baby stuff there, it made us tired just looking around. Gabe got tons of loot to last him through the summer and the next few months at least. We are very excited and can't wait to try it all on him and post more pictures. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you

Look at all that New Stuff!

Friday, April 22, 2005

The Wailing, Flailing, Shit Machine

I love Baby Gabe, and he has barely started being a 'person'. He has only recently begun to smile and respond to external stimuli. While he has 'personality', he hasn't developed a way to really show it yet. I think it is pretty much common knowledge that for the first 6 months or so, babies are nothing more than wailing, flailing, shit machines.

To this point, we have been pretty lucky. Gabe hasn't really had too many 'messes' so far. He easily soils 8-10 diapers a day. I have discovered that Diaper Genie is the best invention in the whole baby-oriented universe. But today Gabe had a blowout.

Now, I am not talking about a big BM. I am talking about a monster shit that not only fills, but escapes the feeble barrier that the diaper presents. Like ooze from a bad 50's movie, this poo poured out the top of the diaper, where no poo is ever supposed to reach. It required a bath for everyone involved, both baby and mommy. It required a change of diaper, a change of clothes, and a change of our bedding. And the smell...oh gracious God...the smell.

It is a good thing that mommies have unconditional love for their babies. Jules' was tested for the first time today.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Size doesn't matter

I can't believe how many people we know, friends and co-workers who were pregnant at the same time we were. There are a dozen girls at my school alone that have delivered since August. Plus, we have 3-4 friends who are also pregnant or have recently given birth. Not to mention the half a dozen or more nice folks we met in the childbirth class we took in January. It's been tough to keep up with baby showers and gifts in recent months and I'm sure it will prove equally difficult to keep up with all the playdates in the upcoming months and years.

Gabe met a new friend today. We visited some friends who had a healthy baby boy on Thursday 4/14/05. His name is Seth and he is absolutely adorable. Seth weighed 6 lbs, 3 ozs at birth and Gabe weighed 9 lbs, 5 ozs at bith and almost 11 lbs at his 1 month check up. We were all amazed at how large Gabe looks next to Seth. We can't wait for them to grow up so close in age and living just around the should be great fun.

With these precious little miracles, size definitely does NOT matter!

Seth & Gabe, new friends

Friday, April 15, 2005

Lookin' like a College kid

I bought Gabe a new outfit and we went out to lunch this week. The hat was my favorite part of the whole ensemble, next to the bib that says "My Mommy Loves Me", of course...Daddy was SO jealous! The hat makes him look so much older than just 7 weeks.

Baby Gabe doesn't like being fastened into the carseat at first but he is a fantastic car passenger. I am getting better about taking him out by myself and we have gone out to lunch twice and to a few other nearby places. It's certainly a process and it still takes about 2 hours to get both of us ready to leave, but I sure am proud of him when we go out. I'm hoping to get out a bit more with him on walks and such now that the weather is so beautiful!

A bad hair day

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Hand Habits

The entire time in utero, it seems Gabe has had his hand (one or the other) near his face and he was almost born with it there. We still often find him with that hand up near his face, deep in thought, sleeping or pooping, he is a very serious baby. It's amazing that we could see all of his sweet little habits, even in those early ultrasounds. Refer to the ultrasound image below dated August 28, 2004 for a comparison.

Deep in thought

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Gabe and the mobile

So Gabe is six weeks old now, and really starting to pay attention to his surroundings. Jules captured him watching the lion mobile that is attached to his bassinet. Oh yeah, he is smiling a lot now as well. Click here to see the video (20MB).

Looking at lions

Saturday, April 09, 2005

A Good "Big Brother"

Baby Gabe loves to play on the floor and use his Activity Gym mat for daily "tummy time" and exercise. I was really worried about our "first baby" (Wilbur) with a newborn in the house, but "Big Brother" is doing just fine.

In preparation, Daddy came home from the hospital the night before Mommy and Baby Gabe, and brought a receiving blanket that we had used so Wilbur could smell it and get used to it. We also allowed Wilbur to "test" every toy and baby gift we received for Quality Assurance and he certainly approved.

It was so adorable to watch Wilbur with the baby on the floor as he sniffed around the mat and layed on it with Gabe and licked him in the face as they watched the toys swing and listened to the music play. I no longer worry about the Chow being an agressive breed and Wilbur being spoiled rotten, when it comes to the baby. He is so good with him, as you can clearly see!

Baby Gabe and his "Big Brother"