The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Friday, April 15, 2005

Lookin' like a College kid

I bought Gabe a new outfit and we went out to lunch this week. The hat was my favorite part of the whole ensemble, next to the bib that says "My Mommy Loves Me", of course...Daddy was SO jealous! The hat makes him look so much older than just 7 weeks.

Baby Gabe doesn't like being fastened into the carseat at first but he is a fantastic car passenger. I am getting better about taking him out by myself and we have gone out to lunch twice and to a few other nearby places. It's certainly a process and it still takes about 2 hours to get both of us ready to leave, but I sure am proud of him when we go out. I'm hoping to get out a bit more with him on walks and such now that the weather is so beautiful!

A bad hair day