The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, February 26, 2005

All Wet

Well, the Saturday we brought Baby Gabe home, we just couldn't wait to bathe him, ok, maybe I couldn't wait to bathe him. We started out in the kitchen sink. New parents, we were so nervous and trying to be sure the water was just the right temperature and we had everything we needed nearby. Gabe screamed the entire time and we struggled through holding onto him (slippery, soapy baby), washing him good (What had he done to get dirty since Thursday?), keeping his umbiical cord dry (sponge bath only till it falls off), and hurrying (or tying to). We all survived the 'trauma' of the first bath.

More recently, we have moved the infant safety tub into our bathroom for baths. We have a successful bath-time routine and Gabe doesn't cry at all. We play a bathtime CD and we splash and play until he's clean and I'm soaked and then I get him dressed real quick so he won't freeze! He's so cute when he's all wet! (smile)

First Bath