The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Round 2

We had a birthday party with close friends at home so that Daddy could celebrate year 1 with baby Gavin too. It was a nice party and Gavin was a pro at the cake thing due to his 'practice round' in Florida.

Gabe still didn't much care for the idea of balloons and presents for Gavin, but it will be his turn soon enough. I can't believe how quickly they grow up!

Gavin received more wonderful gifts that he and Gabe are both enjoying playing with. Thanks to all for your generosity! Happy Birthday, Gavin!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Florida Vacation Slideshow

Here is a slideshow with the some of the hundreds of pictures Jules took when she went to Florida with the boys last week.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Fun Toys

Gabe got a squirt gun at Merma Di's house and he just loved it. We always have a fun time in the bath or the backyard with splash and squirt toys and he thinks it's so funny, but he's usually not coordinated enough or quite strong enough to squeeze it and make it squirt water out, without help.

He was learning how to do it at dinner just before we left to come home and he finally got the hang of it.....well, almost! He kept saying "squirt Papa" but turning the water gun towards himself and squeezing the trigger, squirting himself in the face and then cracking up in surprise! I just couldn't stop laughing long enough to help him figure it out completely and turn the squirt gun around to actually shoot Papa!!

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Great Gift, Grandma!

Gavin got a tractor that he can push and walk behind and Gabe kept taking it from him to ride on. It was cute. I'm pleased that they are starting to play together more. We'll keep you posted when Gavin takes his first real steps unassisted!

Gavin loves his toy tractor! Look at him GO!

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

That's how it's done, folks!

Who needs a birthday bath???

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Party Time

Gavin celebrated his first birthday at Merma Di and Papa Randy's house in Florida. It was a big time for him and he got lots of great gifts. We all sang the birthday song and Gavin did a great job getting into the smash cake.

Gabe liked playing with the Elmo balloons and helping to open the gifts, but he kept saying "No, Gavin's birthday party". I think he would have preferred that it had all been for him.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Flight School with Pop

We might have a future pilot (or two) in the making. We went to Pop Owen's airport and got the royal treatment. He took us to see real planes and into the hangar and everything. Gavin and Gabe really seemed to enjoy sitting in the cockpit and seeing all of the controls. This particular plane is going to be in a museum soon!

I can't wait to go back when the kids are a little bit older and see if their interest in planes takes off!! (punny, huh?)

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Lion Safari Train Ride

While in South FL, we went to a place where we could go on a real African-style Safari in OUR OWN CAR. Gabe loves animals so this was right up his alley. We rode through in our car and looked at lions, zebras, elephants, ostriches, rhinos, and much, much more. They were all so large and in their natural habitat. They walked across the road we were on and right passed our windows. It was incredible to see all of those animals so close up.

Then, we went into the park which was like a zoo with more animals to see, a gift shop and a few kiddie rides. After lunch, Gabe and Gavin took over the train ride and rode it twice, all by themselves. It was a really hot and humid day, but we didn't miss a thing!

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Greetings from Sunny FLORIDA

Looks like he could be on a postcard!

We took our annual trip to Florida to see all the relatives after July 4th and we had an absolute ball. It was Gavin's first trip because last year when we went, I was still pregnant. The boys did pretty well in the car. It's quite a long drive, but they watched DVD's and slept.

Gabe enjoyed sight seeing, learning to swim and jump into the pool, naming new relatives, and showing off all of his 'smarty pants' skills! Gavin enjoyed exploring around all of the new places we visited, tasting new foods, getting lots of cuddly hugs, and celebrating his first birthday. While we were in Florida, he began waving and he said "Mama" for the first time. A great time was had by all. Now, we just need a vacation from our vacation. It's good to be back home!

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

Cavity Bugs

Gabe has a step stool in the bathroom that Gavin loves to climb on too. They both really love to brush their teeth and scrub off the cavity bugs. Gabe likes to use the regular toothpaste now instead of the toddler toothpaste. He even brings me my toothbrush or the tube of toothpaste at random times throughout the day so we can brush our teeth. If I'd let him brush his teeth as often as he'd like to, I'm sure he'd have no enamel left on his teeth from all of the scrubbing.

Gavin recently climbed up onto Gabe's step stool and slipped off and bit his tongue. It was pretty scary, but Daddy made it all better and I think Gavin is a bit more careful now, since the fall. He's still my little climber though. Now, he climbs to the top of the stool and yells until someone reaches his toothbrush for him. He plays in the water and he just grins when he's standing up there. He even cries when we help him get down and turn off the water in the sink. Maybe he will be a dentist when he grows up?


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Friday, July 06, 2007

Mommy's Little Helper

So, you've seen Gavin in the dishwasher(posted: June 11)and he's always following Mommy around the house in his fastest crawl. Here he is trying to help me with laundry. He was so proud of himself for crawling into the clothes basket, until it tipped over. Then he started crawling up onto the dryer door and trying to get in. What a hoot!


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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 4th of July To All

From the looks of this, maybe we should move to "the City of Brotherly Love".

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fireworks Show

We went to a local 4th of July celebration and had a picnic with friends on the 3rd. It was a really great time with live music, train rides, and an awesome fireworks show! We ate fried chicken and played hard until after 9:30pm when it was dark enough for the show to begin. Gabe was so excited and beyond exhausted but had energy galore and no idea what he was in for once the show started. Daddy bought us all glow necklaces and we were all set with camera in hand when the fireworks began.

Gabe called them "stars" and "flashlights" at first but we talked about fireworks and oooohed and aaaahed at all of the beautiful colors twinkling and exploding in the sky above. He wasn't afraid of the noise at all. It was such a joy to experience this with him. The Fourth is one of my absolute favorite holidays and I hope it will be one of his too. With spectacular views like this, how could it not be?

My FIRST Fourth of July

Gavin had a big time on his first July 4th. Can't believe he's almost one year old!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Little Chef

Gabe is very interested in the kitchen and cooking lately. He likes to put on the oven mitts and wear them around and say he's cooking.

He and I made some Tollhouse cookies this past week and he liked being a big helper in the kitchen. I let him pour in some of the dry ingredients and help me count and measure. He was in hog heaven.

Then, we were both able to reap the benefits of all of our hardwork, when we tasted the warm treats we had baked...Mmmmmm. He liked dunking the cookies into the cup of milk. It was really adorable. I'll have to get him a little chef's hat to wear for next time!

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