The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Gabe is so interested in soccer. He loves to watch our neighbor's middle school aged son play and he loves to take his soccer ball to our other neighbor's house to play with their 2 yr old son too. Gabe talks about soccer alot and wants to carry this small black soccer ball with him anywhere he goes. He has a few shirts with soccer balls on them and some Elmo soccer underwear too.

He's got a good leg and he knows not to pick the ball up with his hands. Guess we'll have to find a little "Under 4" soccer league soon that he can join and learn more of the rules and techniques. I can't wait to be a real SOCCER MOM! Although, Rob says pro-soccer isn't a "money sport" so Gabe will have to learn to play other things as well like football, baseball, basketball, golf or tennis....cuz THOSE are the $$$$ money sports.