The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Gabe is an animal lover and has been making all of the animals sounds we can think of for months now. He might just be destined to be a veterinarian?

We went to a local park and saw a lake full of ducks. I think if there hadn't been a rail there and if I hadn't been present to constantly caution him, he'd have jumped in to swim with them. They were pretty aggressive and we didn't have food for them, but they followed us in the water as we walked the perimeter of their lake. It was a gorgeous, hot day.

Gabe ran and played at the park, but seemed to like the ducks the best. We even spotted a frog and a turtle on our little journey. Gavin enjoyed cruising in the stroller and watching Gabe.

Gabe can't wait to go quack, er, I mean back! tee hee

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