The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Monday, June 11, 2007

Big Helper

Gavin follows Mommy all over the house and cries if she gets too far out of his sight or far enough that he gives up on crawling after her. He crawls around and gets into everything along the way. It's really tough to keep up with him, a 2 yr. old, and do any chores around here or try to get all 3 of us ready to go anywhere in a timely fashion! I'm sure you can imagine.

So, here he is helping me do dishes and load the dishwasher...."Big Helper". I have all of these maternal fears of him falling into a steak knife, or whacking his head on the counter top, or poking his eye out with a fork, getting closed in by his older brother, ingesting detergent or dirty dishwasher water.....the list keeps growing.

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