The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Thursday, June 07, 2007

No Pushing

I work hard to get Gabe to be gentle with Gavin, sometimes, with no luck. I guess it's making Gavin 'tougher' in the long run. I used to worry so much about the slightest bruise or scrape, but now as long as no one is bleeding or broken, we're in good shape! Boys are so rough and tumble, I'm learning.

So, we were outdoors eating Popsicles recently (which is why both of their faces are stained red). They loved it and it was hot enough to eat the whole box. Gavin was standing in the walker on the patio, getting a bit frustrated with not being able to move it around independently. I pushed him back and forth a little so he could get a feel for it. Then, Gabe began pushing him a bit more. Gavin laughed and liked it. So, of course, this encouraged Gabe to do it more!

They ran, pushed and laughed all over the patio for 30 minutes or more. It was a riot. I caught this photo and it was one of only a couple that weren't a total blurrrrrr.