The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Cutie Patootie!

This is really Gavin! This is his true, adorable little personality. My friend says he has an "old soul". He is such a sweetheart. Loves to cuddle and be held. Gavin looks up to Gabe so much and is growing up so fast to do so many of the things his big brother can do.

He pulls up to stand next to our coffee table and just grins. He reaches for things on the table and can walk all the way around it while holding on. He lets go to turn around to grab the sofa, a chair, or someone's leg who's sitting nearby. He smiles alot, but is quite serious too. He is much more passive than Gabriel. They are starting to get along well. They are Mommy's pride and joy!

Look at that face! Ugh! Just melts ya!

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