The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Sunday, September 17, 2006


That's what Gabe calls a fork...."pork". He's really speaking more clearly now and will say just about anything you ask him to, or at least try! He's been feeding himself for a while now and has mastered eating with a fork and spoon pretty well, although he chooses to eat with his fingers more often than not. With the spoon, he turns it over before he gets it to his mouth, so the food falls off in his lap which frustrates him, but he won't allow us to feed him anymore. He's getting better at stabbing the food with his "pork" but is great at holding it up and usually gets it into his mouth. Sometimes, he needs help pushing the fork into the food item and when he gets tired of it all, he just takes it off the fork with his other hand and puts it into his mouth. I don't recall what he's eating here, but he's a great eater and loves fruits, veggies, and chicken. Next, we're transitioning him from eating in the highchair with his tray to eating in the booster seat at the table with us. He hasn't really used plates and bowls much yet... We'll see how that goes?

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