The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Gavin is sporting 2 front teeth on the bottom and although it was hell for him to get them in, now he's pretty used to them. He'll shoot you a big grin once in a while and flash those 2 tiny pearly whites proudly. Gabe totally thinks he can eat anything he eats now, so he feeds him crackers and banana and apple wedges.....totally inappropriate for the 7 month old. Gavin just beams at him though so of course he feels encouraged to keep it up no matter what Mommy and Daddy tell him about not feeding his baby brother his snacks.

Gavin's first tooth broke through the gums on 2/9 and his second one just appeared right behind it on 2/16. He's eating Cheerios and Stage 2 foods now and will soon move up to Stage 3 I'm sure of it. The boy loves to eat so teeth can only help him!