The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So, Gabe's newest hobby is to haint....for those of you who haven't been following the latest news, he says the /h/ sound in the place of P, so paint becomes 'haint' and boy does he love to haint! In fact, he's a haint-a-holic.

I bought him some watercolors when we were at the local craft store. It was just a small set of 4 attached to a book and he really thought they were just like crayons, until we got home and opened them. Now, he's totally hooked. And I do mean totally! I've created a monster...or shall I say, Monet-ster? j/k

Gabe haints all the time. He no longer wants to color. He used up all of the 4 colors on the initial set of watercolors and I had to go to the store and find a new set of 8. He enjoys them so much as you can clearly see. I have his artwork hanging in the kitchen and he likes that alot. He's so proud of himself. He can identify all of the colors too and likes to fill the brush with the color of his choice and then rub the paint soaked brush all over the largest piece of construction paper I can find. He even calls out letters, objects and shapes like that's what he's drawing or painting. When he completes his masterpiece he holds it up proudly and says "pitch" (for picture)!