The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Circus Talent

I know you all are only interested in seeing pictures of the kids...but this HAD to be shared!! Rob and I couldn't stop laughing.

As you may know, Gabe is using utensils now at mealtimes, so I got him some colorful, plastic utensils of his own. He seemed to like them and was using his new green fork just fine until I turned around to go to the sink....THIS is what I saw when I turned back around. I'm sure Wilbur thought the meal was delicious, after all, his meals usually come right out of a bowl on the floor. He [the dog] isn't one to beg, but when there's a delicious morsel hanging down on a perfectly good fork, at the same level as your mouth, why wouldn't you take it?? Fork and ALL!!
Dog Eats with Fork...This has to be some sort of Animal Circus Talent we could make a quick dime on don'tcha think?

"I'm the luckiest dog on the planet"...."Kids share, why beg!?!"