The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sharing Toys

Gavin is starting to be alert more often during his waking hours and he sleeps a bit longer when he does nap. We are getting a little routine going here and it feels much better.

Gabe used to like this activity mat when he was just a few months old and now it's Gavin's turn to enjoy it. It has an arch that goes overhead and 3 stuffed animals that dangle above. It is battery operated and plays music or rattles when they bat at the toys. It's also quite colorful and visually stimulating to look at.

Gabe must remember playing with it or maybe he just wants to be the baby again because he will sometimes lay down and try to get under the arch with Gavin. It's sweet to see him trying to interact with his baby brother.

Gavin just coos and grins when he bats at the animals and kicks his little legs for 30 mins or more at a time. It doesn't seem to bother him if Gabe or Wilbur joins him either. This weekend he really got into it.

I've got the coolest toys!

And here is a video of him talking up a storm...