The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Latest Scare

We've been quite busy & I think we are in the clear for now, but in case you haven't heard ....Gabe threw up twice at bedtime Thurs night and we weren't sure why? Once after his bath, we wrapped him up and put him in his crib and he vomited, alot. Then, we cleaned him up and put him down and he did it again; we were asking ourselves what was going on? We figured maybe we had played too much before bed or maybe he over-ate. But he woke us up around 4am with a fever of 100 or so and that worried us. So we called the dr and they told us to watch him and call again if it didn't go down with Tylenol every 4 hours. So, I went on to work and Daddy kept him home from daycare.

His fever shot up to 103.3 by 8:30pm and we called the dr again. They told us to take him to the ER; so off we went.

We got there around 11pm and they checked him out real good. They drew blood from his arm and took a cath urine sample....Both were awful! They came back and said based on the cultures from both blood and urine, he had a UTI or Urinary Tract Infection. They gave him a large dose of antibiotics (a shot in his thigh muscle) and sent us home after they were sure he wasn't allergic to it. We didn't get home until about 2:30-3am.

Needless to say, I didn't go to work on Fri. We all went to bed and rested. Then he vomited again around 7am. We went to the pediatrician for a follow up visit with Gabe's Dr on Fri afternoon. She says it most likely is a UTI and she wanted to give him another shot in each thigh of more antibiotics and then he will take a Rx for 10days. She says he has to be clear of infection before she can run some more tests. We are not alarmed at this time, we are merely trying to soothe him and get his temp down gradually. We feel good that we went on to the ER to have him checked out.

Scary couple of days, and we're all worn out. Gabe had about 5 bandaids from his "battle scars" but he's been a trooper. I'll keep you posted about further updates from the Peds and tests they run, if any, once his Urinary Tract Infection is gone.

Take care & we'll do the same. Good thing for a perfectly timed 3 day weekend to recover and get him going on the antibiotics.

Whew, What a night!