The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Taste Buds

At the direction of Gabe's pediatrician (and a great deal of advice from family members), we have started Gabe on some rice cereal and he seems to be doing pretty well. He is still a little small for the high chair, but we strapped him in and slid the tray on and he seemed to like the cereal alot. We've only given it to him about 3 times so far and this was the first. He still isn't used to the spoon and the swallowing action so he gets an awful lot on the bib and his face, but seems to enjoy it and we'll keep practicing...That's part of the fun after all.

We are still nursing, of course, and plan to do so as long as possible. He is eating rice cereal now and then will progress to oatmeal and fruits and more first foods as we learn together gradually and make sure he doesn't develop any food allergies. He's a big boy with a big appetite!

He is also cutting his first tooth in the bottom front so we'll keep you posted on that. Daddy and I are convinced it's going to be visible really soon, but for now all we see is drooling and gnawing. Gabe's handling teething like a champ so far. We're so lucky!

This stuff doesn't look like much, but it sure tastes good!