The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Brand New Skills

Recently, Baby Gabe has been learning about his hands and feet and discovering his ability to grasp at them. He has officially mastered the skill of hooking his tiny, dexterous thumb in the plastic loop of the pacifier and flinging it out of his mouth, but the hands and feet are still pretty new to him.

It's precious to watch him as his feet kick around and the movement of his socks catch his eye and then he makes a strange, bewildered face and begins trying to reach for the toes. In the mornings, early, when he first wakes up, I can look over at the bassinett and all I see is feet! Straight up in the air and those teeny hands reaching up for them. I can hear him kick wildly and strike the mattress with his heels as he slams them down and then curls up for another attempt. It's so fun to watch all these changes as they happen!

"mmm, I wonder what this tastes like?"