The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Growing up Faster than a Bad Weed

As you can clearly see, Gabe is outgrowing the basinett all too quickly. Without stretching out completely, he can reach both ends of it and his head/toes are touching the bumper pad. We are working hard to get the nursery ready, so be on the lookout for upcoming photos of that. We are very excited!

Since he is in the "in-between" stages of a move to his own room, Gabe has been transitioning from the basinett to his pack n' play porta-crib while we work in the nursery. He is also getting very good at rolling over from back to front and front to back and turning himself around on the floor or in the porta-crib by pushing with his feet. Although he hasn't quite figured out crawling yet, we think he will soon.

Last night, he was playing around in the porta-crib while I was folding some of his clothes and Rob was moving some other things in. Gabe kept ending up turning width ways instead of long ways in the crib. Rob kept coming in not realizing what was going on and he'd reach down and turn him back around, then he'd leave the room and come back, and Gabe would be pivoted around one quarter turn to the short way again.

Finally, we watched him to see wht he was doing and we laughed out loud. I said, "He's probably so used to his head and feet touching both ends in the basinett, that now he thinks that's how it's supposed to feel in the bigger bed!" Too funny. Guess we've got some "reshaping" to do so that he can rest easily in the big bed and lay long ways with more room for growing once the big crib arrives!

Sleeping beauty