The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Super Mario Brothers


Halloween is probably my favorite holiday....with 4th of July and Christmas being a tie for second. When we started talking about Halloween and costumes about a month ago, Gavin wanted to be Captain Terrific (a superhero from one of the shows the boys love) and Gabe wanted to be President Barack Obama! We did not look too hard for either of those costumes, because within a day or two the boys decided/agreed that they wanted to be Mario and Luigi from the Nintendo game for Halloween this year.
As always, you can find anything on-line, so here they are with their costumes on. The costumes came complete with inflatable chubby bellies and furry mustaches--huge hit with Gabe and Gav! We found the manhole cover at a recent Halloween block party that we went to. (All you Nintendo gamers out there will know exactly why that was a perfect photo opp)! Gabe and Gavin are so excited to trick or treat and I think it's sweet that they want their costumes to compliment each other. Remember Santa and his Elf from last year? We are going to have to work hard to keep outdoing ourselves from year to year!
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