The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Playing Tug



Gabe and Gavin love the new puppy we got last month. Gabe named him Wags the Dog and we affectionately call him WaggaDoodle sometimes too. They think he's great and have been so willing to help with him. Gabe likes to hold the leash and walk his dog, he feeds Wags and gives him treats when he's a good boy. Gavin has been a little afraid because the puppy jumps and moves quickly and unpredictably. Gavin runs from chair to sofa picking up his feet and screaming "He's trying to EAT me!" I'm working on getting him to say "No, Wags" or "Down" when he jumps on him and he's getting better with that part.

Last Sunday, the boys and I went to the pet store and bought Wags a new toy. Gavin picked it out and Wags seemed to like it right away. We went outside to play and they enjoyed tossing it for Wags to fetch. I was showing the boys how to play tug with Wags pulling on the other end of the toy. They thought it was a funny game and it really used up the puppy's boundless energy, plus helped Gavin not to be so afraid.
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