The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Monday, June 23, 2008

Funny Guy

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Most of you probably already know that Gabe says funny things all the time. He is starting to read sight words and he recognizes and says new things often....only sometimes, he simply doesn't take time to read the WHOLE word. Today he had me in stiches over a few new examples of this habit. We went to Target (which he knows by the red bullseye) and we rode past Taco he began singing "Tinke Bells, Tinkle Bells, Tinkle all the way!" Then, as we went a few more miles, he saw Bed, Bath and Beyond and told me he went there with his Daddy. He also says he, Gavin and Daddy visited "Homedy Domedy," which I assume is some wickedly distorted 3 yr. old version of Home Depot meets Humpty Dumpty!! I was in tears laughing at this. He also asked if the man with the blue shirt worked at "Best Bear," which in all reality was Best Buy. And he asked me a common phrase "what's this called about" referring to the piece of jewelry that I wear around my neck. When I told him it was called a necklace, he asked if it was just like the boy in his class.....No sweetie, that's Nicholas! What a kid. He's really a hoot. I'm so pleased that he's reading and generalizing all of these new things, but I wish he'd slow down a little and take his time.