The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Friday, February 22, 2008

What next??

The Amazing Gabriel is still learning new things all the time. What could be next for the boy who knew all of his letters before he was 2? But spelling words, of course! There are alot of words that he can read and spell from memory. I will try to list all that I can think of:

moon, sun, stop, car, cake, pie, star, Gabe, Gavin, Mom, Dad, rocket, dog, shark, pig, big, wig, boy, smile, duck, frog, log, school, house, bug, rug, jug, and I'm sure there are a few more....but he's not right here reciting them all! :)

He reads signs and shirts and things all over the place and is always asking us "What that spells?"

He also knows a bunch of cute songs and nursery rhymes that he loves to show off his knowledge of. He likes Hey Diddle, Diddle and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and one about 5 little monkey swinging in a tree. He also learned a new song about feelings at school that is so precious. He sings the alphabet song often and says it is his favorite.

He just amazes me and makes me smile. Can't believe he'll be 3 years old on Sunday. Whew! Time flies.