The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Obsessed with Elmo

Today, we took the boys to see Sesame Street LIVE. It was wonderful and the boys loved seeing the singing & dancing UP CLOSE. All of the familiar characters were there and they sang many of the songs we hear and sing along with daily (the same ones from all the Sesame Street shows since the 60's). Gabe and Gavin really behaved well even though the show kept them out way passed nap time.

Gavin loves Elmo, and so does Gabe... but Gavin is totally obsessed. He was determined to walk right up onto the stage with those life-sized characters and wasn't timid about heading for the stairs from our front row seats....every chance he got!!! He just wriggled out of my lap and took off. Eyes fixed....entranced by Elmo.... He wobbled his little self right up there....Mommy and Daddy took turns stopping him and bringing him back to sit and watch. This only made him frustrated, tearful and he tried even harder to get down again so he could join in the fun.

Parenting Lesson # 22,645: Guess we know for next time, maybe second row would have been better so we could keep the kids contained a bit more behind the seats in front of us?!

"MUST....REACH....ELMO....NOW!" "Hey, Big Bird, Come to GAVIN!"
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