The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Euphoric About "You-Forik" (utensils...get it?)


Gavin has a true talent for getting what he wants. Especially when it comes to mealtimes. He even knows how to sign "all done" but before that, he's typically weaseling his skinny little self out of the belts in the high chair and standing up in an attempt to get himself down.

While he still really only says DaDa, consistently, he can certainly communicate what he wants with grunts, yells, or little inuendo type behaviors (ie: launching the cup off the tray onto the floor if he decides he doesn't care for what's in it, or sliding his handful of food discreetly down between his legs and dropping it, then shoving the morsels to the floor with his feet to feed get the point).

I am now giving him "baby" utensils to work on feeding himself and he loves it. Notice in the photo the sheer bliss on his face as a result of this newfound independence .....Also, note that he's nude from the waist up because I knew where most of the applesauce was going to land. He had a big time playing and practicing.
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