The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Monkey Joe's

Jules found this place called Monkey Joe's a few weeks ago. It is basically a big empty room with about ten of those giant, inflatable 'moon walk' things in it. Except they are more than just a 'moon walk'. The 'inflatable bouncy playpen' market must be very competitive, because they sure have evolved since the last time I got in one. Now, instead of just being a big enclosed trampoline, they come in all sorts of configurations: slides, knobs, obstructions, jungle gyms, etc. Really very impressive.

From Blog Photos
This way to Monkey Joe's!

Once we get inside and take off our shoes, Gabe is off like a hound chasing a rabbit. He goes a hundred miles an hour from bouncy thing to bouncy thing, never slowing for a minute. I was sweating like mad trying to keep up with him. Run, bounce, clinb, slide, sheesh.

From Blog Photos
Daddy and Gabe tackle the slide

They even have smaller areas where the real little ones can play, or at least sit, without getting trampled by the bigger kids. All in all, it was quite a bit of fun, and I'm certain that we will be making many visits.

From Blog Photos
Mommy and Gavin get in on the action