The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Friday, December 08, 2006

Watch Me

Gabe is really interested in Gavin now and showing him things just like we show Gabe. It's amazing to see how he interprets things and then passes them along to his baby brother. Here they are at the dinner table. Gabe's showing Gavin how to eat like a "big boy". Gavin just looks admiringly at Gabe and watches him intently. Guess he's taking it all in.

I have to watch Gabe closely though. Just the other night he asked for an apple so I cut up some small pieces and gave them to Gabe in a bowl. I finished cutting up the apple and shortly after, I notice Gavin is getting a little upset and fussy, and Gabe is attempting to pacify him with apple slices....helpful? Well, not really... Only a minimal choking hazard for an infant to injest, right? He didn't swallow any and I was able to teach Gabe about what Gavin cannot yet eat. For now, he'll have to just watch.

"Here's how you eat 'bean greens', Brother!"