The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Flash

Halloween comes but once a year and costumes are always a difficult decision until the kids can actually say what they want to be. Last year, Gabe was a really cute and cuddly caterpillar. This year, I feel certain that judging by how often he is running full throttle through the house saying "running, running, running" that if he could have picked the most suitable costume out himself, he would have chosen to be The Flash. We ordered this costume on-line, and it arrived complete with muscled chest and lightening-bolt mask. Can't beat that!

The Flash is a comic book superhero who possesses "super-speed", which includes the ability to run and move extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes and violate certain laws of physics. Gabe definitely did that tonight from our doorstep, down our driveway and all through the cul-de-sac, he didn't stop running. He even fell down twice but he didn't let that stop him. Uncle Jimmy taught him how to say "Zoom" so as he's streaking by, he's yelling "ZOOM"!

Due to the "digital delay" from our camera, most all of the other photos, were a blurrrrr, so here's our little superhero on one of his more sedentary assignments.

Eat your heart out, Comic Fans!