The Life and Times of the Brothers Mac

Monday, November 21, 2005

Too Cheesy

We were given a gift at a baby shower for Gabe that we are just beginning to use and know the benefits of. It's called a Fresh Food Feeder and it has a mesh bag with a handle attached to it for him to hold onto. You can put just about anything in that little mesh bag and he can taste it. We found out this week that he LOVES canteloupe! I've also put a little piece of apple, or banana, or orange (too sour-he made a funny face), but it's really cool--who thinks of this stuff? I could be filthy rich!!!

Besides getting himself and the high chair tray all sticky with various fruit juices, he likes the texture and taste of foods that are new to him. He can suck the juices and gnaw on the cold fruits. The cold also feels good to the teething baby. He's getting the top 2 now and then he'll have a total of 4....All the better to eat you with , My dear!


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